Wednesday, December 6, 2006

CIE Conducts Its 2nd Pearl Principle Formation School Orientation in Makati on December 9, 2006

The Centre for International Education will be conducting the 2nd Pearl Principle Formation School Phase 1 Orientation for the National Capital Region on December 9, 2006 and the First Pearl Principle Formation School Phase 2 Orientation and Consultation Workshop at Unit 10-A 10th Floor Cordova Condominium, 138 Valero corner Sedeno Streets, Salcedo Village, Makati City, Philippines. The Orientation is open to the public however because of limited seating capacity of the venue prior reservation is necessary.

The Centre for International Education will be conducting the Pearl Principle Formation School Orientation on December 9, 2006 covering Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Pre-qualification process.

Phase 1 will be in the morning starting at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 11:40 a.m. Phase 2 will be in the afternoon starting at 1:00 pm and ending at 3:30 pm.

Phase 1 introduces the Pearl Principle Formation School or PPFS. It covers the Pearl Principle Movement that the Centre for International Education founder Prof. Nelia Cruz-Sarcol started and the background of the PPFS itself. Phase 1 participants will walk through the Pre-qualification process to get an overview of the regulatory and organizational requirements of starting a PPFS. Participants don't have to bring anything but those who are already seriously considering opening a pre-school for school-year 2007-2008 may have to bring their updated Articles of Incorporation and By-laws so they can immediately proceed to Phase 2 after a short consultation and interview process right after Phase 1 session ends. This session will be the second and the last PPFS Phase 1 Orientation for this year.

Phase 2 covers the regulatory requirements of starting a pre-school, the information gathering process necessary to write a feasibility study, the conduct of the school site inspection, the financial and business development aspect of the PPFS. Phase 2 will require that the participant have attended Phase 1 Orientation and has a photocopy of their updated Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. This session is the first PPFS Phase 2 Orientation and the only one conducted this year.

When reserving a seat please provide us your:

  • Full Name
  • Your Designation
  • Organization's Name
  • Complete Address with ZIP Code
  • Phone with Area Code
  • Mobile Phone
  • Email
For immediate confirmation of your seat reservation please contact:

Virgilio Y Paralisan
Executive Director, Pearl Principle
Centre for International Education
Mobile: 0919-8382717
Call: (02) 892-3088 / 888-0909

We hope to see you there.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Pearl Principle Formation School: CIE’s Response to the Challenges of Functional Illiteracy and Poverty Through Social Entrepreneurship

The Pearl Principle Formation School provides pre-school education with emphasis on Reading & Critical Thinking, Writing, Mathematics, English as a Second Language and Pearl Principle Values to children ages 4 to 8 years old of economically disadvantaged or lower middle-income families by delivering an effective and relevant curriculum.

The Pearl Principle School is a parallel school system to our public school system. It allows any non-profit or non-government organizations, business organizations and even government instrumentalities to set up a Pre-school Education Program in underserved communities.

The system provides support for faculty training and development, a license to a proven system of teaching, financial and school management system, free consulting services and quality assessment to aid organizations in setting up and operating the school in their community.

Why 4-8 years old? Why lower middle-income?

The first six years of the child's life is the most crucial because it is within this period that the foundation of one's personhood is laid out. We believe that with proper formation, the child is in a better position to succeed in subsequent learning stages. This is where, we believe, we can ultimately eradicate functional illiteracy.

The data on education should already give you an obvious clue why we chose the lower middle-income families. They constitute the bulk of the public school population. There were 12,089,365 students in Grade 6 in the Public Schools all over the country as against 926,122 from the private schools in school-year 2004-2005. 5,043,776 students were in 4th year high school in the Public Schools against 1,268,255 students in the Private Schools. This population constitutes the aggregate population of our future human resource. It is obviously not realistic to project appropriate or gainful employment of 10 million every year if more than 6 million of the emerging workforce is functionally illiterate.

The Pearl Principle Formation School: A Summary

  • It is one of CIE’s Social Engagement initiatives under the Six High Impact Programmes (S.H.I.P.).

  • It is the operationalization of CIE’s Vision and Mission.

  • The PPFS was designed specifically to address the issue of functional illiteracy and gaps in the educational system.

  • The PPFS is packaged as a Social Enterprise that any non-profit, business organization or non-government organization can invest in and operate in their respective communities.

  • Its curriculum is designed and developed benchmarked by CIE GEQ.

  • The operation, management and curriculum development are governed by the terms and conditions of a License Agreement.

  • The license to use the PPFS System is currently free but applicants are required to invest in the training workshop where they will be certified and given the manuals of operation. A PPFS school must be an institutional member of CIE GEQ which requires a nominal registration fee renewable every 5 years.

Where to get information?

The Executive Director
Pearl Principle
Centre for International Education
168 Pres. Magsaysay Street, Kasambagan
6000 Cebu City, Philippines
Call: (032) 2332566 / 4127622

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The State of Our Public School Education

Let us have a glimpse of the state of national education today. We’ll have quick tour of our national education statistics. The most recent data so far is in School Year 2004 to 2005. There were 12,089,365 students in Grade 6 in the Public Schools all over the country as against 926,122 in the private schools. 5,043,776 students were in 4th year high school in the Public Schools and 1,268,255 students were in the Private Schools.

Note that there are more than 12 million students in Grade 6 and only less than 6 million in the fourth year high school. This population has not change much in the last 5 years. This pattern alone indicates that less than half finish high school every year.

We may console ourselves assuming that at least half of those who get to high school should be doing well academically. Our national data on the academic performance of students in the public school says otherwise.

In school year 2004-2005, the Achievement Rate of a student in the public elementary school averaged 58.73 while a high school student averages 46.80. The acceptable national rate is 75.0.
This pattern has also not change much for the last 5 years. In retrospect, we are introducing an average of at least 6 million high school students into college who may not be able to read, understand English or do basic math.

There has been many interventions introduce to address these shortcomings and gaps in the educational system. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Creating special classes or sections like the Science Classes and Special Education Classes.
  • Introducing Computers.
  • Feeding programs.
  • More classrooms and buildings.
  • Introducing multi-media into the classroom.
  • Scholarships.
  • Others are creative combinations of any or several of the above.
In spite of the many strategies and intervention introduced not only by Department of Education or DepEd but also by well-meaning civic organizations, we will not be seeing a real improvement in the quality of our educational system. The interventions themselves have inherent flaws and problems.

Common Problems encountered in these interventions:

  • The intervention is almost exclusively coming from outside the school and in all likelihood will be from a private donor.
  • The intervention is not consistent because there is no cohesive program behind it, a different intervention is being introduced every year, and by a different donor.
  • It is almost always cash-strap or always plague by lack of logistical support from the school itself.
  • The interventions are not sustainable and often times the stakeholders have no ownership of the projects.
  • Donor-stress, donor-fatigue or donor-burnout sets in and the intervention project or program loses its sponsors and champions.
Knowing all these, you got to ask the question: What then is causing these shortcomings and gaps?

Why in spite of many interventions, many well-meaning organizations, and so many millions of pesos spent in improving our educational system are we still faced with more than 5 million functionally illiterate high school graduates.

The Underlying Causes of Our Educational System’s Shortcomings or Gaps:

  • It has failed to recognize or appreciate the critical impact of the formative years of the child.
  • It has not provided a dynamic strategy for curriculum development that appreciates the environment under which the child will have their learning experiences
  • The educational system does not provide mechanism for the pro-active participation of parents or the community as a whole in improving the child's learning.
  • The existing curriculum in pre-school does not provide the most fundamental skills and does not prepare kids to succeed in subsequent learning stages.
  • There is no independent body outside the school that validates the quality of the content and delivery of the curriculum.
  • Quality entails cost. Cost inhibits further investment in the development of the curriculum or its delivery hence sustainability is a perpetual issue.
  • Existing mechanisms for delivery of pre-school education bars businesses and community organizations from directly participating in the development of their local pre-school education.
We know that government have had many difficulties improving our educational system. We know that the Department of Education is dealing with the challenges of its own evolution aside from its mandate of managing our educational system. Current interventions have not drastically improved the state of our public school system.

What are these problems telling us?

  • The Government or the Department of Education cannot improve our educational system alone. They need our help.
  • We need to introduce a better way or strategy to develop learning content and delivery of this content.
  • The strategy or system for the delivery of a better educational system must be cost-effective, can be replicated, has internal mechanism for assuring quality of content and delivery, it must pay for itself hence should be sustainable: An Alternative or Parallel School System.
  • The school must be affordable to the lower middle-income family.
  • Organizations or even businesses have an opportunity to get involved or to invest in this alternative or parallel school system.
The Centre for International Education or CIE believes that rather than enduring the pains of the many problems plaguing our educational system, stakeholders, meaning you and me, should take a more proactive approach and turn this very "aged" and nagging problem into an opportunity.

You may have this question in your mind about why CIE should even participate considering that it is already an established institution. It has already a very good curriculum and it is already managing several campuses.

CIE's social engagement and even its many endeavors recently are clearly defined by its Vision and Mission.

CIE's Vision states that:

CIE is a veritable institution in the Asia Pacific that develops and nurtures influential generative leaders who champion the upliftment of the quality of human life.

CIE's Mission states:

We transform ordinary individuals to become extraordinary catalysts of social progress through a philosophy of education for leaders anchored on social engagement and the Pearl Principle.

You can say that our social engagement actually defines who we are. We are seeking out partnership from seemingly ordinary individuals and organizations to participate in the process of influencing the development of their respective communities by being socially engaged. In this case, hopefully, by investing in a Pearl Principle Formation School.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Pearl Principle: TEACH DREAM SUCCESS

By Teacher Nelia*


The People’s Vision

The Philippines: A S.T.R.I.N.G of P.E.A.R.L.S.

The Philippines is a Soaring and Tenacious Republic Instituted by Nation-loving Generations of Passionate, Ethical, Action-driven, Results-oriented Leaders of Society

The People’s Mission

We T.E.A.C.H.

We Train, Engage, Assess, Create opportunities, and Harness individuals, communities and organizations to apply The Ten Tenets of the Pearl Principle within their spheres of influence.

The People’s Strategies

We D.R.E.A.M.

Discover who you really are. Use your inherent God-given
gifts for a higher purpose.

Reinvent yourself. Create a personal vision aligned to the
service of your fellowmen.

Energize yourself. Be a life-long learner by re-tooling and
associating with positive-minded people.

Act on your 4 Ps.
Pray for discernment
Plan your course of action
Persist on achieving your plan
Pursue your dream with passion

Manage yourself. Be driven by SUCCESS:
Sense of

We measure success by the number of people whose lives have improved because of our existence.

Personal success is only a means to an end, making the world a better place.

The Goal of Life


Communion with God
Integrity in thought, word and deed
Empathy with commitment
Accountability for my actions
Nobility in my aspirations

The Tenets of the Pearl Principle

Our worldview is rooted in the transformation of adversity into a gem of a life…as in the creation of a pearl.

We believe that…
  1. Adversity is the catalyst of growth and progress.
  2. Transformation is the proactive engagement of one’s sphere of influence.
  3. Every person has inherent gifts that can be used to overcome challenges.
  4. People can reinvent themselves at will.
  5. Introspection is the key to unlocking the right core values that guide our discernment for change.
  6. Self-sufficiency is a philosophy that we can nurture to eradicate mendicant behavior.
  7. Personal success is only a means to an end: making the world a better place.
  8. Success is measured by the number of people whose lives have improved because of our existence.
  9. Wealth accumulation is only justified when it is re-channeled to uplift the quality of life of communities through purposeful intervention.
  10. Change begins from within...change begins with me.

* Teacher Nelia is Prof. Nelia Cruz-Sarcol, a Filipino thought-leader who convened the Pearl Principle Advocacy.

The 10 Tenets of the Pearl Principle

Every advocacy or ideology must have some foundation or a set of core beliefs. We must have a way at looking at or interacting with world at large.

Our worldview is rooted in the transformation of adversity into a gem of a life…as in the creation of a pearl.

As Advocates of the Pearl Principle, we believe that…

  1. Adversity is the catalysts of growth and progress.
  2. Transformation is the proactive engagement of one’s sphere of influence.
  3. Every person has inherent gifts that can be used to overcome challenges.
  4. People can reinvent themselves at will.
  5. Introspection is the key to unlocking the right core values that guide our discernment for change.
  6. Self-sufficiency is a philosophy that we can nurture to eradicate mendicant behavior.
  7. Personal success is only a means to an end: Making the world a better place.
  8. Success is measured by the number of people whose lives have improved because of our existence.
  9. Wealth accumulation is only justified when it is re-channeled to uplift the quality of life of communities through purposeful intervention.
  10. Change begins from within.

A Pearl Principle Advocate must adapt these tenets into his or her belief system. It is our way of explaining our relationship, our perpsective, and describing the color of the window panes through which we see the rest of the world.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

The Pearl Principle Formation School Orientation: An Invitation

We are please to invite you to an Orientation about the Pearl Principle Formation School this August 12, 2006, 10:00a.m. to 12:00 noon at Unit 10A 10th Floor of the Cordova Condominium, Valero corner Sedeño Streets, Makati City. There are limited seats in this orientation so we encourage you to confirm your attendance. Please call (02) 888-0909 / 892-3088 and look for Glenda Francisco.

Pearl Principle Formation Schools is a concept of learning centers that is a result of the Pearl Movement. The Pearl Movement started in a meeting of 500 middle class Filipinos last September 28 and 29, 2004 at the Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City.The objective of the Pearl Movement is to create a generation of Filipinos who are Nation-loving, Passionate, Action-driven and Results Oriented. Hopefully this will also create leaders advocating these beliefs.

Nelia Sarcol founder and President of the Centre for International Education have successfully come up with a curriculum that provides strong academic background in Math, English, Science and Values to young people. She believes that the only way to put the greater portion of the masses in the same footing as the elite in terms of education is to share a well-grounded elementary and high school education to the poor. Change is expected to have far deeper impact this way.

To get acquainted with the Centre for International Education please visit its website at:

The Pearl Principle Formation Schools or simply Pearl Principle Schools are schools providing formal elementary and high school education to children of economically disadvantaged family by delivering a world-class curriculum within socialized tuition fee rates. Currently, initial implementation aims to put up pre-schools in barangays.The Pearl Principle School is a system. It is a socialized educational system that allows any not-for-profit or non-government organization and even government instrumentalities to set up a Basic Education Program in any community. The system provides support for faculty training and development, a license to a proven system of teaching, financial and school management system, and consulting services to aid organizations in setting up the school in their community.

Components of the Pearl Principle School System

Pre-qualification Engagement
The Pre-qualification Engagement is the component of the system that allows the prospective licensee to understand and to appreciate the Pearl Principle and the School System. It is actually a learning process providing an opportunity to assess the commitment of the licensee to apply the Pearl Principle in the community and comply with the standards set by the Pearl Principle Program in managing the school and complying with the quality standards for schemes of work and curriculum delivery.

Pearl Cluster Engagement
This engagement creates the team in the licensee organization that will manage the school system and comply with the terms and conditions of the license. The Pearl Cluster shall be responsible for the roll out of the components of the Pearl Principle School System.

Faculty Training and Development
The Pearl School System provides a program for the training of teachers and their continuous development. The training workshops include the license to use the materials and techniques currently use in the academic programs of the Centre for International Education.

Teaching Materials, Aids and Tools
A set of approved and CIE certified materials that form an integral part of the Pearl Principle School curriculum. The materials, teaching aids, tools and techniques are provided to the licensee under a Limited Use Agreement.

Quality Assurance and Control
The success of the School System is hinge on the adherence to the standards set by the terms and conditions of the License and the deliverable metrics that CIE specifies. The Pearl Principle Program reserves the right to conduct Audit on all components of the Pearl Principle School license. This Standards Audit ensures that all Pearl School licensees regardless of the community or geographical location comply with highest educational standards set by the CIE and the Pearl Principle Program.

Management Systems and Best Practices
The Pearl Principle School license comes with a recommended business model. This business model ensures that the setting up and operation of the school reach a certain level of liquidity and thereafter maintain a consistent rate of growth. The business model was designed to make the educational program self-sustaining after a certain period. Pearl Principle's recommended systems and best practices are merely guides to enable the licensee to operate with a certain degree of efficiency while maintaining its autonomy in terms of management.

Financial Systems and Best Practices
Financial management is a very specialized business process and requires a set of specialized skills. Part of the operational manual of the School System is a set of accounting forms and templates including recommended accounting processes to guarantee that a licensee school's financial resources are managed professionally however small.

Community Development Program
Every Pearl Principle Formation School becomes integrated into the Community Development Program of the Centre for International Education. What does this mean to a Licensee and a Pearl Principle Corporate Partner or Sponsor? It means that the community where the Pearl Principle Formation School is located becomes a recipient of the following:
  • The use of research data critical in conducting community needs assessment and resource planning.
  • The network of support partnership that the Centre for International Education nurtures to drive its development programs in entrepreneurship and community development. The internal social or community programs of its various operating and academic units which may choose to adopt the community in one of its project
  • Assistance in the event the community chooses to pursue its own development programs in the form of the different consulting services that the Centre for International Education currently provides.
Community and CSR Program Matching
There are many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs being launched and managed every year by more than a thousand business organizations. The network of alliances born out of CIE's research, enterprise and community programmes, provides CIE many options and creative opportunity to find the best fit for a community. CIE and the Pearl Principle Movement can work together to get a community and a business enterprise on the right track to launching a program that both will be more than happy.

What is really the Value Proposition of the Pearl Principle Formation School?

The Launching of a Truly Integrated Approach to Community Development Work
It is very difficult to conceptualize, plan, develop and implement community or social development programs. Very few actually make it through the concept phase. The Centre for International Education through the Pearl Principle Movement and the Formation Schools allow for the adoption of truly integrated community development program using a Basic Education Program as a launching pad for community projects. The development model of the Pearl Principle Movement encourages stakeholders to take the initiative. The Pearl Principle Movement through the Centre for International Education merely sets the framework and a vehicle for organizing and putting focus into the stakeholders' initiatives. The Centre for International Education has the resources to arrange and to manage the partnerships required to make community projects work.

The Emphasis on Personal Involvement of Stakeholders
We believe that the values that we see in the formation of a pearl can be applied to our personal lives and communities. The oyster does not suffer in silence; it takes action to neutralize the irritant. The oyster does not depend on external factors to address the irritant; it relies on what it can produce. The oyster works within the area it can act on, which is inside it self.We believe that, as in the creation of the pearl:
  • We should overcome problems, instead of simply enduring them;• We should use our inherent resources and talents to face our challenges;
  • We should work within our sphere of influence;Furthermore, we believe that transforming ourselves and our nation will be a continuous and never-ending process of growth, which we can pursue by taking on challenges of increasing complexity. The Pearl Principle Movement is confident that communities can indeed take on challenges of increasing complexity if the right environment is nurtured deliberately.
A Wholistic As Against Cosmetic Approach to Alleviating Poverty
Most Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are very palliative in its approach. An example of these programs are awarding one or more years of scholarships, providing school buildings to public schools, delivering computers to public elementary schools, etc. These initiatives are truly laudable but year after year recipients and proponents alike reap a rising tide of growing frustrations by the inability of these projects to contribute to real economic growth for communities, real acquisition of high level knowledge or skills in children, or even dramatic improvements in the quality of life.

After all the millions are spent managing and delivering these projects, the dignity of the Filipino has not risen to a level far greater than last year. The same people or families will be asking for the same thing this year or next. The never-ending cycle of "begging" or taking scraps from donors continues each year eating away the last patches of human dignity from "beneficiaries". The United Nations Millennium Development Goals is in a capsule suppose to uphold the human state everywhere. Corporate Social Programs seem to be doing the absolute opposite.

What the Pearl Principle Movement upholds is the chance not to send one child to school or change the life of one family but to help people build their own communities through a serious and well-thought of investment in a program that is managed professionally with metrics of success clearly established from the very start. In a sense, the Pearl Principle Formation School is an investment in a Social Management System that pays for itself after the startup investment. The design of the Pearl Principle Formation Schools takes into consideration the development needs of the community, and directly integrates community realities into classroom learning.

Please confirm your reservation to the Pearl Principle School Orientation by calling Glenda Francisco now at (02) 888-0909 / 892-3088.

Pearl Principle Formation School Orientation
August 12, 2006, 10:00a.m. to 12:00 noon
Unit 10A 10th Floor Cordova Condominium
Valero corner Sedeño Streets, Makati City

We hope to see you there.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Inviting You to Booth 19 of the CSR Expo 2006 at the Market! Market! July 5-7, 2006

On July 5 to 7, 2006, the League of Corporate Foundations or LCF, will host its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Exposition 2006 or CSR Expo 2006. The exhibit will be opened at the Market! Market! in Taguig.

The Pearl Principle Team from the Centre for International Education will be in Trade Hall A, Level 3, Market! Market! at the Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Philippines, to join the CSR Expo 2006 "Let's Take CSR to Heart" from July 5 to July 7, 2006. We are in Booth 19.

We are cordially inviting Ang Bagong Pinoy members and community to visit us if you have time from 11:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M. on July 5-7, 2006, to visit us at Market! Market! We hope to get to know some of you while we are in Taguig.

Ribbon Cutting and Formal Opening of Exhibit is 2:00 p.m. July 5, 2006.

There will be three (3) people advocating the Pearl Principle there: Virgilio Paralisan, Malou Tan-Wong and Lea Solon. The team is looking forward to meeting Pearl Principle Advocates and the Ang Bagong Pinoy community in the vicinity of Taguig.

We have been getting a lot of inquiries about our Pearl Principle Formation Schools and the Entrepreneurial Development Management programs. We haven't even finish our post-project report for the Cebu Waterfront stint last June 21-23, 2006 in the Cebu Business Month InTourPreneur Conference and Exhibits and we're off again to another exhibit.

The response to the Pearl Principle and Ang Bagong Pinoy activities is tremendous. Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol is off to Mindoro to launch another Ang Bagong Pinoy group there and talk about the Pearl Principle.

If you need to know more about the Pearl Principle Formation Schools and other programs to:

If you have very specific questions to ask about what we introduce in our exhibit booth and in the forum last June 21-23, 2006, please email the Executive Director at

See you at Trade Hall A, Level 3, Market! Market! at Bonifacio Global City of Taguig.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Teacher Nelia Sarcol Speaks

A collection of Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol's thoughts, views, perspectives, concepts, speeches and teachings on various subjects that she feels and engages with passionately.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

CIE Launches Pearl Principle, Ang Bagong Pinoy in Cebu

The Centre for International Education in Partnership with Ang Bagong Pinoy launched the Pearl Principle and the first local chapter of Ang Bagong Pinoy at the Riga Room of the Cebu Waterfront Hotel last June 23, 2006.

Ernesto "Boogie" Boydon, President of Ang Bagong Pinoy opened the forum by welcoming guests and speakers. Mr. Boydon introduced the Pearl Principle, Ang Bagong Pinoy, to the audience, its history, goals and its vision. Ang Bagong Pinoy is a community of Filipinos all over the world seeking to build a better Philippines by starting within themselves--one Filipino at a time. It aims to recover, nurture and advance the Filipino identity, promote good citizenship, and inspire in the Filipinos the love, pride, and appreciation of their Filipino identity. Ang Bagong Pinoy will dedicate the Filipino identity for the spiritual, cultural, social, and economic advancement of the Filipino nation.

Prof. Nelia Cruz-Sarcol,Founder and CEO of the Centre for International Education or CIE, talked about the Pearl Principle. She started the Pearl Principle Movement a year and a half ago in Manila. She organized a conference of more than 400 participants at the Manila Intercontinental Hotel. She never realized that it would grow into an online group and get organized in the size that it is now of more than 2000 Fiilpinos all over the world. Prof. Sarcol talked about the need to find the leadership within our selves to create the much-needed change within a Filipino's sphere of influence. She declared that man has been waging an unseen war of finding the will to change from within. Prof. Sarcol ended her talked with the hope that the Pearl Principle will evolve into a unifying ideology for the New Filipino.

The talked entitled "A Pinoy Culture of Peace and Excellence" delivered by Lt. Col. Joey Forteza, a Pearl Principle Fellow and an active member of the Philippine Air Force was a very scholarly discussion of aspects of culture as it is viewed by the military minds and security specialists all over the world. Lt. Col. Fortaleza moves from the simple perspective of a glass half full and half empty to the different "isms" that have shaped politics and economics around the different parts of the globe. He ended his talked with vision that we can evolve and even drive a culture not only appropriate for the Filipino but a culture that can be a light beyond the Far East.

Another Pearl Principle Fellow, Jay O. Tabaña, Outreach Leadership Trainor of the Lighthouse Christian Outreaches and Communities, talked about the "Next Generation Social Entrepreneurs" in the Philippines in the coming years. Mr. Tabaña sounded out the many family names of prominent Cebuanos who shaped the development and economy of Cebu and emphasized that most of them continue to participate in Cebu's economy through the new generation of entrepreneurs. The speaker discussed how the next generation of Cebuanos and Filipinos in general, will evolve from a purely profit-centered businessperson to a social entrepreneur. He believes that the next generation of entrepreneurs will become more conscious of social issues and will use their businesses to respond to these social issues.

The last speaker was the Executive Director of the Pearl Principle, Virgilio Y Paralisan of the Centre for International Education. Mr. Paralisan went directly to the introduction of the concept developed by CIE called the Entrepreneurial Development Management Model. He presented the typical model of development for most organizations and the eventual outcome of their programs. Mr. Paralisan presented the Entrepreneurial Development Management Model as a solution to most of the development initiatives whether by government or by community organizations. The concept is based on a model that an enterprise is a better delivery vehicle for any action in the community whether it is for profit or for social action. This is the model that is followed by social enterprises built on the Pearl Principle.

Pearl Principle Enterprises respond to a social need. It is managed professionally. It has a successful model and a plan based on CIE's own success. Pearl Principle Enterprises lend themselves to replication. These social enterprises are created to be profitable and hence sustainable.

More than thirty participants to the forum were inducted by Ernesto "Boogie" Boydon, President of Ang Bagong Pinoy, before the forum ended. The induction happen right after the forum because the participants requested that they be inducted on that very occasion. The forum ended with prizes raffled off to lucky participants of the forum. The newly inducted members of the Ang Bagong Pinoy will have their first membership meeting on July 1, 2006, at the Centre for International Education.

Get details of the meeting from Virgilio Paralisan or Malou Tan-Wong by calling (6332) 4127622 or 2332566.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Pearl Principle Business Model: The Entrepreneurial Development Management

The Current Situation:

In the Philippines, at least 50 million people consider themselves poor. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 2, 2006).

Seven in ten Filipinos (70%) say their personal circumstance worsened over the last year, while 83% are of the opinion that the national quality of life of most Filipinos and their families is worse now than it was a year ago. (Pulse Asia, March 2006)

On the other hand, the state of Philippine education is bleak. 9.2 million out of 57.6 million Filipinos aged 10 to 64 years cannot read, write, subtract and add, or understand simple instructions. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 5, 2006)

Our Answer: Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurs are Generative Leaders who combine business savvy with social mission. They are P.E.A.R.L.S.: Passionate, Ethical, Action-oriented, Results-focused, Leaders of Society.

They lead, inspire, create a vision and engage people to generate something from within themselves, thereby, fundamentally changing communities. Social entrepreneurs are catalysts of change.

Social entrepreneurs, Bill Drayton says, “are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.”

The CIE Six High Impact Programmes (S.H.I.P.)
In line with its vision to become a veritable institution who champions the upliftment of the quality of human life, CIE takes up as its social mission the challenge of confronting our country’s problem of illiteracy and poverty. CIE espouses the Pearl principle advocating the ideology of “initiating change from within and within one’s sphere of influence” in order to “transform a state of hopelessness into a state of optimism where opportunities are created as in the creation of a pearl.” CIE has chosen social engagement and the Pearl Principle as the anchor of its social entrepreneurship programmes.

CIE captains the SHIP in spearheading the creation of Social Enterprises to address problems in illiteracy and poverty. The SHIP is an acronym for Six High Impact Programmes of CIE putting into action tenets of the Pearl Principle. These are viable and sustainable development programmes that can be undertaken by NGOs, POs, cooperatives and like-minded individuals including CIE students who dare to engage in this mission as partners.

CIE, believing that everyone is an active learner who creates meaning not only through theory but more importantly through practice, has in fact required its own students to be advocates of the PEARL Principle. Graduating classes in high school and college engage in projects that actually help alleviate the life of a disadvantaged family. They teach families life-skills to earn, manage and sustain themselves to truly improve their quality of life.

CIE S.H.I.P. shall turn adversities into opportunities by creating Social Enterprises undertaken not as acts of charity but as processes of reciprocity so that it may ultimately create an intrinsic value to the community that CIE serves.

Entrepreneurial Development Management (EDM)
Traditional sources of funding are becoming scarce. Donor-fatigue syndrome is mounting because of global recession and economic crisis.

The EDM model dares to help eradicate poverty and illiteracy by creating social enterprises undertaken NOT as acts of charity, but processes of reciprocity, ultimately creating an intrinsic value to the community it serves. The EDM Business Model is self-generating because it has a mechanism for internal resource generation.

The main requirement is PASSION for social engagement to make a difference in the pursuit of nation building.

No license fee is required.

The Ship support package to launch your journey towards social entrepreneurship

  • Affiliation and support from established reputable private schools.
  • High Standard Curriculum
  • Quality Assurance from GEQ
  • Comprehensive Training Program
  • Management Consulting Support from GEQ
  • Standardised Operations Manual
  • Assistance in site improvement
  • Consulting support on Finance Management and Fund Generation

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Pearl Principle: Social Entrepreneurship

Combining the very best of the not-for-profit, philanthropic world with the very best of the for-profit, enterprising world...

The Current Situation
Billions of private funds have been poured, directly or indirectly into the public school system to improve the quality of education. Yet, the deterioration continues.

The state of Philippine education is bleak. Official statistics from the Department of Education reveals that 9.2 million out of 57.6 million Filipinos aged 10 to 64 years cannot read, write, subtract and add, or understand simple instructions.


They are Generative Leaders who combine savvy with social mission. They are P.E.A.R.L.S.: Passionate, Ethical, Action-oriented, Results-focused, Leaders of Society.

They lead, inspire, provide a vision and engage people to create something of themselves, thereby, fundamentally changing communities. Social entrepreneurs are catalysts of change.

Bill Drayton defines a social entrepreneur as someone who recognizes when a part of society is STUCK, and provides new ways to get it UNSTUCK. He finds what is not working and solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take quantum leaps.

Social entrepreneurs, Drayton adds, "are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."

However, social entrepreneurs are like other entrepreneurs. They look for "irritants" in the environment and convert these into opportunities. They do this mainly as a social mission, with the savvy of "combining the very best of the not-for-profit, philanthropic world with the very best of the for-profit, enterprising world" (Bill Strickland, "Genius at Work"). They pursue their goals with the same fervor and discipline as any true blue entrepreneur.


What if, the not-for-profit and the for-profit organizations work together to address this problem?

The NGOs, POs, cooperatives or individuals can get together to take up the challenge and set up an alternative parallel school system. This concept is called the Pearl Principle Formation School (PPFS) System. PPFS System is established in support of public school but planned, led, organized and coordinated for quality by the people, of the people, for the people. We can begin by establishing a program from Kindergarten until Grade 2.

The Pearl Principle Formation School System
The first 6 years in a child's life, the early childhood stage, is the most crucial because it is within this period that the foundation of one's PERSONHOOD is laid out. The PPFS System offers pre-school education with a strong bias on Reading and Comprehension, Writing, Mathematics and English as a Second Language.

The PPFS System uses a curriculum validated by a system-wide Quality Assurance, known as Global Examinations and Qualifications (GEQ). Designed by curriculum experts from leading private schools, less privileged students are assured of better quality education. It is administered using a curriculum that is consistent with quality standards, and supported by first-rate teacher training offered at a very affordable cost.

The Business Model
Traditional sources of funding are becoming scarce. Donor-fatigue syndrome is mounting because of global recession and economic crisis.

The ultimate goal is to have the parallel school system attain self-sufficiency while increasing its social impact. This is achieved by massively promoting Social Entrepreneurship to operate as many Pearl Principle Formation Schools as possible in urban as well as rural areas.

The main requirement is the passion for social engagement to make a difference in the development of our country. NO LICENSE FEE is required.

The Challenge
How many of us will dare find the gift within ourselves and actually turn it into something positive? How many of us can find and honor our strength and flexibility with the inner power to create and succeed rather than break apart?

Engage with us in this mission - for love of country. Together, let us build a better future for Filipinos through quality education.

PPFS Requirement

* Passion for social engagement to make a difference in the development of our country.

* A minimum land area of 200 sq. m. situated in lower middle class communities with provisions for at least 2 classrooms at 45 sq. m. per classroom.

PPFS Support Package

* Affiliation and support froM established reputable private schools
* High Standard Curriculum
* Quality Assurance from GEQ
* Comprehensive Training Program
* Management consulting support from GEQ
* Standardized Operations Manual
* Assistance in site improvement
* Consulting support on Finance Management

The Pearl Principle is an ideology of positive change. It states that one has to initiate change from within and within one's sphere of influence. It is an advocacy of transforming a state of hopelessness into a state of optimism where opportunities are created as in the creation of a pearl.

Attend the PPFS ORIENTATION on August 12, 2006, 10:00 a.m., at the 10/F Cordova Condominium Valero corner Sedeño Streets, Salcedo Village, Makati City

Call: Manila Telefax (02)
Direct Line (02)

Cebu Telefax (032) 2332522
Direct Line (032)

An Invitation to Every Filipino Who Wants To Make A Difference

The Centre for International Education in Partnership with “Ang Bagong Pinoy” would like to invite every Filipino who would like to contribute to the goals of alleviating poverty and improving our national literacy to a gathering of Pearl Advocates entitled:

The Pearl Principle:
Positive Action Through “Ang Bagong Pinoy”


The Pearl Principle
Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Centre for International Education

A Pinoy Culture of Peace and Excellence
Lt. Col. Joey Forteza
Pearl Principle Fellow
Philippine Airforce, AFP

Next Generation Social Entrepreneurs
Jay O. Tabana
Pearl Principle Fellow
Lighthouse Christian Outreaches and Communities

The Pearl Principle Business Model:
Entrepreneurial Development Management
Virgilio Y. Paralisan

Executive Director
Pearl Principle

June 23, 2006, 1:00 P.M.
Riga Room, Cebu Waterfront Hotel
Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City

Please visit the CIE Pearl Principle Booth June 21-23, 2006 at the Cebu Waterfront Hotel.

One (1) unit computer, One (1) unit printer, MP3 players and T-shirts will be raffled off to lucky guests. Bring your business card and a valid identification card.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Pearl Principle Formation School Goes Mainstream at the Cebu Business Month

The Pearl Principle Formation School, one of the Six High Impact Programs or SHIP of the Centre for International Education or CIE, will be launch into the mainstream of civil society during the Cebu Business Month InTourPreneur Exhibition, this June 21-23, 2006, at the Cebu Waterfront Hotel. CIE invested in two 3 meters by 3 meters exhibit booths in the event (Booth C07 & C08).

The Pearl Principle Formation School is an alternative parallel school system offering pre-school education with a strong bias for Reading & Comprehension, Writing, Mathematics and English as a Second Language. It is initially making available the pre-school license to the public for a nominal fee.

The Pearl Principle Formation Schools or simply Pearl Principle Schools are schools providing pre-school, formal elementary and high school education to children of economically disadvantaged family by delivering a world-class curriculum within socialized tuition fee rates.

The Pearl Principle School is a system. It is a socialized educational system that allows any not-for-profit or non-government organization and even government instrumentalities to set up a Basic Education Program in any community. The system provides support for faculty training and development, a license to a proven system of teaching, financial and school management system, and consulting services to aid organizations in setting up the school in their

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle: Social Entrepreneurs

There were seven (7) problems of the country brought up and discussed in the Pearl Principle National Conference last September 28-29, 2004. These were the issues on poverty, unemployment/underemployment, peace and order, the deteriorating standards in education, corruption, over-population and our national “identity crisis.”

The participants presented possible solutions followed by the usual debates. Most of the proposed solutions were “top-to-bottom” strategies. We are not saying we do not need change at the top. We are in total agreement that we do- but we must be able to do more from where we are standing right now.

The Pearl Principle believes in a “bottom-to-top” approach. This will ensure a solid footing for any long-term change to be sustained. This begins with change from within and within one’s sphere of influence.

However, what kind of people can take on the Herculean task of solving such problems in their level within their spheres of influence--- without political power and/or unlimited resources? We will need people with “inexhaustible determination” to persist and endure the long and difficult journey of such transformation.

A Savvy with Social Mission

Our answer: We need SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS who are Generative Leaders possessing characteristics of P.E.A.R.L.S. (Passionate, Ethical, Action-oriented, Results-focused, Leaders of Society).

They can lead, inspire, provide a vision, as well as engage people to create something of themselves, thereby, fundamentally changing communities. Social entrepreneurs are catalysts of change. Pearl Principle advocates are social entrepreneurs.

Bill Drayton defines the job of a social entrepreneur as someone who recognizes when a part of society is STRUCK and can solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take quantum leaps.

He said, “Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.”

Social entrepreneurs, however, are just like other entrepreneurs. They also look for “irritants” in the environment and convert these into opportunities. They do this mainly as a social mission, with the savvy of “combining the very best of the not-for-profit, philanthropic world with the very best of the for-profit, enterprising world,” (Bill Strickland, “Genius at Work”). They pursue their goals with the same fervor and discipline as any true blue-blooded entrepreneur.

Pearl Schools

The Pearl Principle advocates, after a series of monthly meetings, have proposed to address one of the issues that cropped up in the conference. They decided to tackle the deteriorating standards in the public education system. Results of national achievement tests as well as international surveys were reviewed. The dismal performance of the Philippines in the 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and its repeat test was a shocker, a reality check so hard to accept. In Science Grade 8, we placed 42nd among 45 countries; in Mathematics, we lodged one level higher at 41st. In Grade 4 Science and Math, we were consistently on the 23rd place out of the 25 participating countries. The equally discouraging results of the High School Readiness Test have left the Department of Education with no other choice but to put in place the controversial Bridging Programs.

The Pearl Principle Nation Movement shall initiate change by establishing the Pearl Schools. These schools will be strategically located nationwide where under-served middle class families live.

The Pearl Schools are conceptualized as a parallel school system to that of the Department of Education. The Pearl Schools will rise because of the people, for the people and shall be run by the people.

The Pearl Schools are assures of a customized curricula based on the situational analysis of the most current baseline skills of students and the immediate needs of the community to spur economic development in that particular area. These curricula will be designed by the sponsor education institution, CIE Global Colleges renowned as the School for Leaders and the only International Associate Partner of the University of Cambridge through its International Examinations Division. CIE, as sponsor agency will provide initial funding for the Pearl Schools.

CIE will share with the Pearl Schools applicable and relevant educational best practices from among private schools here and abroad. This will be an attempt to bridge the educational gap and learning opportunities between the public school system catering to the under-served middle class and exclusive private schools for the elite.

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Each Pearl School will be given an Instructional Blueprint to follow. A system-wide Quality Assurance will be in place, led by the Pearl Principle advocates who are noted academics.

Let it be clear that the Pearl School System is to be established in support of all the efforts of the Department of Education to improve the quality of basic education. The Pearl Schools can help fast-track innovations because it does not have to contend with a bureaucracy. This is just like piloting new programs that would otherwise entail huge amounts of funding for research, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

As Social Entrepreneurs, the Pearl Principle advocates know very well that traditional forms of funding are becoming smaller. There is a widespread “donor-fatigue” syndrome growing worldwide especially because of global recession and economic crisis.

Business Plan Format:

A simple yet typical business plan includes the following:

Market need – significant of the problem/need this service wishes to address;
Product/Service – must have a unique value proposition;
Environment analysis – who are doing the same things?
Marketing plan – what is the target market? the strategies that will be used;
Financial requirements – sources and uses of capital; projected cash flow
Intellectual property strategy – what intellectual property exists and can it be protected?
Management team – who is involved and what is their experience?
Social Return on Investment (SROI) – describe social impact (preferably in qualitative and quantitative terms)

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle: The Vision, The Brand Strategy and the Business Strategy

People’s Vision

Singapore Incorporated has a vision. They know where they want to go. They have a ROADMAP laid out (35+years ago) as a guide. It is not a perfect roadmap- I am sure, they had to “re-route” several times before they got to where they are. This roadmap spells out the essence of their very existence as a people-this roadmap resides in their collective thoughts.

How about us? Do we know where we’re going to? (A song comes to my mind… and I sing softly with a heavy heart).

Philippines incorporated, can we create it?

Everyone knows and everyone has advised every Tomas, Ricardo and Horacio in our country that the only way we can create Philippines Incorporated like Singapore is to have a national vision and a national value system or collective consciousness.

But do we have a national vision…uh, uh… is it clearly stated?

The basic rule is to make the “begin with the end in mind” very clear, easy to understand and to remember. Goodness, I know we have tried over and over. However, we always start the discussions with problems, get stuck there and end-up with various analyses of “who-dun-it” and why? (All the time!)

These perennial questions will never have definitive answers. So, I suggest we skip the analysis and finger pointing. Everyone has a hand in the predicament we are in. No one is innocent except our children who will inherit the mess we created. Unless…

Proactive Advocates

The advocates of the Pearl Principle, in a people’s congress last September 28 and 29, 2004 at the Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City, have come up with the following:

People’s Vision: Philippines-Pearl of the Orient Seas: A Strong and Tenacious Republic Instituted by Nation-loving Generations (S.T.R.I.N.G.)
People’s Operating Values: Passionate, Ethical, Action-oriented, Results-focused Leaders of Society (P.E.A.R.L.S.)
Ideology/Culture: the Pearl Principle- Change must begin from within and within one’s sphere; wherein a state of hopelessness is transformed into a state of optimism where opportunities are created as in the creation of the pearl.
People’s National Slogan: “Pilipinas Perlas Ng Silanganan”
People’s Symbol of Hope and Transformation: The Pearl

People’s Symbol of Hope and Transformation

We need a symbol of Hope and a model for transformation. It can’t be just anybody. Anyone can come and go. So many has let us down. Almost everyone has a hidden agenda. Most have turfs to protect. There are those weak in character. A lot has let us down.

The “pearl” then is the (near) perfect choice. The oyster’s inner struggle to survive has a romantic touch to it. If you are going through a similar struggle, it is sentimental enough to hit you in the heart. It is faceless but it has life. It is the only living organism which can transform an “irritation” into a priced gemstone.

It is very easy for us to identify with the story of the pearl. It has no race, no creed, no political affiliations, no gender--- it has universal appeal and its story is easy to recall.

When everything else in one’s life is in disarray, one can just think of the pearl –the national symbol of hope. I am sure the flicker of hope will start to warm the heart of this person enough to make him stand-up to fan the flame to help him convert his feelings of hopelessness into optimism. Only then, will he be able to see beyond the pain and the feeling of being a victim—to someone who has enough courage to overcome.

National Treasure

The symbol “pearl” has always been in our subconscious. We see this symbol in many Philippine insignia. However, there is no conscious effort to make this a shining symbol of our Motherland.

We did a survey; we found out that the nipa hut comes next to the Philippine flag as our national symbol, followed by the “jeepney” , a second-hand reconditioned vehicle- junk from another country which found its way onto our streets.

Does this say anything about our self-image?

Let there be a conscious effort to promote positivism among our countrymen-beginning with a simple step--- adapt the “pearl” as our official National Symbol next to our flag and claim- particularly the world renowned Philippine South Sea Pearls, as one of our National Treasures.

China is known for its fabulous jade. Bangkok, for its amazing gold. Australia, for its extraordinary opals and onyx. Amsterdam, for its superb diamonds. Japan, for its legendary mikimotos. Let Philippines be known for its marvelous Philippine South Sea pearls.

Enterprise Development

Should this be the case, we can create more product lines around the pearl, our new National Treasure. Currently, we have a hodge –podge of pearl products but nowhere in site is a cohesive plan to grow and maximize the potential of this entire industry.

This has a direct correlation to tourism. Where there should be a master plan for destination development, there should also be a master plan for tourism product development -paying special attention to unique national treasures.

Other than the Philippine South Sea pearls, replicas of historically significant Philippine artifacts can be manufactured. These can be sold separately but are actually part of collection sets. This way, foreign and local tourists would have something to look forward to collecting each time they come to visit the different historic spots of our country. They can buy for their friends, too, some of these collection/collectible pieces that their friends were not able to buy/collect when they last visited.

The beauty of coming up with collectibles and collections is that we end up selling to those former visitors, even if he or she has long gone, just so their collections can be completed and updated.

People’s Vision and Philippine Brand Strategy

Philippines, Pearl of the Orient Seas, this is our “historical brand” (since the 1500s). It’s in Rizal’s “Ultimo Adios”. It is in the first stanza of our National Anthem.

With all the above being congruent, we can already connect plans for brand strategy and business strategy. Truly, a STRING of PEARLS.

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle: The Prescriptive Approach For National Progress: Generative Leadership

(Last of three parts of a series of articles written for the Business Section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol, Founder and CEO of the Centre for International Education.)

Part 3:

Last August 2004, my friends and I were talking about grim news in the broadsheets, radio and television. We felt that there had been too many talks and debates of “why” these awful things continue to happen to our country and the “who” are causing or have caused these events to happen.

Many of us keep looking back and digging dirt while creating other mounds as we dig. These mounds will eventually have to be cleared and dug again. The endless transferring of dirt from left to right, front and back, continue to go on……. We are digging here and there, maybe to bury ourselves in???

“Does anybody have a solution?”

One of my friends, who had seen efforts from the farthest left to farthest right, had been battle-scared, so to speak, in quest of an answer. According to him, everyone has advice to give but not many are acting on their proposed solutions-too difficult they say. I guess maybe they-themselves are “problems”

My small group comprise of “Don Quixotes”. However, we do not wish to fight windmills. We are dreamers, yes ---not of a new Philippines but of the TRUE Philippines--- which has always been called “The Pearl of the Orient”--- “Perlas ng Silanganan”.

The truth of the matter is that solving the problems of our country is a Herculean task. This process of transformation will take some time. However, by accepting this fact, we would have won half the battle. If only we will accept such, then we can plan better what to do next, so we can move up to next step, instead of “band-aid” solutions here and there. “Band-aid” solutions will get us nowhere.

This truth led us to the Pearl Principle. To be able to solve the problems of our country, we need to individually take it upon ourselves to change for the better. And as we evolve and reach out to people within our spheres of influence, something will spark!!!

This concept must first be embraced by a good number of the middle class and must be led by the middle class. The elite and captains of industry of our society have been given multiple chances to lead this change, but it just won’t take off. However, if all people from all strata of society will embrace it, well and good. However, I personally believe that the middle class must led---for they are still within reach by those from below and can truly feel for the great masses. The middle class have not lost their dreams (yet) and they can truly inspire others to hope. They can show how dreams can be fulfilled and that dreams can still be fulfilled. They can be the bridge to our future as a people.

It will only take one ordinary person to start the SPARK and spread the flame until it becomes big enough to touch others and move them to the same direction. The FLAME that I am talking about here is NOT a destructive flame but a PASSION intense enough to forge metal into a new form.

This is the mission of the Pearl Principle. To awaken the resolve from the majority that each has a hand in creating the true Philippines. We are all oysters creating pearls to string around our Motherland to make it live up to its historical destiny as THE PEARL OF THE ORIENT!!!

Proponents of the Pearl Principle are pragmatic idealists. They do not just prescribe. They know that each awaked spirit must also have skills and competence to effect change within one’s sphere of influence. Notice that we always use the term “within one’s sphere of influence”. This is because of the proponents’ belief that the core must be strong and the core of society comprises of the individual, his family and his immediate community.

The competence to effect change within one’s sphere is called GENERATIVE LEADERSHIP rooted in the GEAR THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT.

The Gear Theory of Development states that a single gear by itself is almost useless. It has to get engaged with other gears to create movement/motion and energy. A person who has evolved because of the Pearl Principle must “engage” with other “gears” or people of the same mind-set. One will not be able to achieve much if he just keeps to himself.

He will need to become a Generative Leader who can make others hope and LIVE again. He LEADS, INSPIRES, VISUALIZES, and ENGAGES his people to CREATE new solutions, generate new ideas, think out of the box.

CREATE actually stands for creation, reinvention, enrichment, adaptation/assimilation, transformation and enlightenment. These thinking processes are operational in a person’s brain only if he is in a state of optimism. Pragmatic idealists who are true disciples of the Pearl Principle possess these abilities.

They lead because they inspire others with the way they live their lives along tenets of morality. They are guided by a noble vision--- living lives of purpose and commitment to make a difference and contribute to making the world a better place by being good, doing good, spreading goodness within their spheres of influence….. because all of our spheres of influence put together make up the entire Filipino people. To get to 80 million, we must begin with number “1”. We are all part of the big picture.

The Pearl Principle position on Generative Leadership is that it should also be evident in the work ethics of a person. First, he must possess self-mastery. he must engage his team to create and reinvent new ways to do things, products and services which enrich lives of people and our ecology, keeping in mind how such new ways of doing things, products and services adapt and assimilate cultural differences. His actions must be purposeful in the hope that these will contribute to the transformation of society while his decisions should help enlighten even those around him. A true Generative Leader sees himself at the center of a unified field of diverse energies that can fuel change.

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle and National Economic and Moral Recovery: Essence of the Pearl Principle

(Second of three parts of a series of articles written for the Business Section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol, Founder and CEO of the Centre for International Education.)

Part 2:

An unsuspecting oyster, peaceful and content with the way submarine life was taking its normal course, was suddenly invaded by hundreds of teredo micro-organisms from everywhere. A daring teredo swept its way straight into the inner chambers of the oyster’s shell and lodged in its virgin flesh. The oyster tried to expel the invader but as it did, the irritation burnt the inflaming muscles more. The discomfort became unbearably painful. Rescue from the surrounding waters was nowhere in sight. The oyster could only think of an impending death.

But you see, the oyster refused to die. While its effort to expel the teredo became futile, the oyster instead thought of easing up on the deadly irritation wrought upon its aching flesh. It then assessed the resources available to it from within. The oyster discovered that it has a natural weapon to respond to this kind of threat: by secreting NACRE.

With the resolve to stop the pain and discomfort, it coated the teredo with layers upon layers of this smooth and luminous nacre. Painstakingly, the oyster labored hard and a pearl was created.

Proudly, the Pearl Principle National Coalition, as convened by like minded Filipinos from the middle class, offers you the gift of the pearl, this miraculous living gift from the sea----the only gemstone produced by a living entity---- the creation of beauty from adversity, of art from irritation.

The story of the pearl illustrates that even the worst and most painful experience can become something of a healing artistry. The creation of a pearl is a glowing example of a mortal threat transformed into magnificence.

The Pearl Principle is the advocacy of transforming a state of hopelessness into a state of optimism were opportunities are created as in the making of a pearl.

Our country today is literally and figuratively invaded by countless “deadly teredos” that are breaking apart our “envisioned strong Republic” and rendering our people hopeless. The irritation and the discomfort brought about by crisis after crisis, have reached unbearably high proportions.

The Pearl Principle reminds us that adversity is really part of ourselves. However, some of us respond to these pains and hardships by fixating on the pain, keeping it fresh in our minds for weeks, months and even years--- some a lifetime. Others take small irritations and blow them out of proportion, making them larger irritations. Complaining and dwelling on the problem, on the pain or ordeals endured will only result in a life overshadowed by unending dissatisfaction and stagnation.

The Pearl Principle reminds us that we can convert pain, misfortune, ordeal or failures to something of value. Our essence as a nation is formed out of obstacles that we confront as a people and as a country. Our experiences, painful and hard surround the core of our being. Each of these challenges is our nucleus for creation, each victory over the hardships we endure is another pearl in our path.

Transformation occurs again and again in our growing process. Every incident, every emotion, every success, every sorrow, becomes another layer of our national development….exactly like the many layers of nacre that coats the deadly teredo microorganism---creating a beautiful pearl.

Our pain, which can be unspeakably intense and sometimes debilitating, brings the lessons we never forget. They are imprinted deeply in our core--- we should use these experiences to better weather future struggles. Our core must be solid and hard, the layering actually helps us mature…and shall help us see beyond what others do not see.

How many of us can take a challenge, as oysters do, find the gift within ourselves and actually turn it into something positive? This is what the Pearl Principle teaches us--- to find and honor our strength and flexibility in the inner power to create and succeed rather than break-apart.

We offer the pearl principle as a potent tool and strategy to help us recover from this debilitating state of hopelessness. We present the analogy of the oyster called the Pearl Principle--- as the most viable way to effect positive change: the change from within and within one’s sphere.

Together, we shall become the catalysts for change to make our country a better nation… we shall endeavor to become the oysters that would create the TRUE PEARL OF THE ORIENT.

Our vision is to create a S.T.R.I.N.G. of P.E.A.R.L.S.

This means a Strong and Tenacious Republic Instituted by Nation-loving Generations of Passionate, Ethical, Action-driven and Results-focused Leaders of Society.

This is a vision was crafted by a group of over 500 Filipinos from all walks of life--- who found themselves huddled last September 28 and 29, 2004 at the Hotel Intercontinental Makati city—in search of a new meaning and of a new resolve to better themselves---ourselves--- for the country. There is a need to inspire and henceforth, engage every Filipino to roll-up their sleeves and buckle down to work to awaken our strong sense of nationhood.

The group leaders selected by the participants themselves have met twice since then. The group flew to Cebu City in November 2004 and met again in Makati City last January 10, 2005. There is another meeting on February 12, 2005, Saturday. Those who attended Pearl Principle Conference last September 2004 and are interested to join the core group, please don’t hesitate to email for details. The group is now called the Pearl Principle National Coalition.

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle: The Prescriptive Approach For National Progress

(First of three parts of a series of articles written for the Business Section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Professor Nelia Cruz-Sarcol, Founder and CEO of the Centre for International Education.)

Part 1:

The Pearl Principle advocates believe that perennial problems of the country may be solved by addressing them at source. When we say at source, we really mean on per province basis, or the closest we can go--- to able to solve certain problems. Since policy making is very much influenced by the actual needs of clients who are end-users and beneficiaries of our services, the closest we are to the actual implementers and beneficiaries of a development plan, the more viable and relevant the solution/plan would be. This is not a new strategic approach because most successful private businesses have been using it to better manage the quality of delivery of their products or services. There may be variations in the implementation for private sector and the government but the fundamental principles are still the same and applicable to both.

We do not believe in “generic solutions” to the problems that beset the country. A “shotgun approach” may hit the target, but the splinters may cause harm to the surrounding “by-standers”… we mean, other neighboring cities, towns and municipalities. Generic solutions should supposedly “kill the enemy” called poverty. Decades have passed, the situation still remains the same, to some localities, it’s even worse now.

There are prosperous cities in certain provinces but some of the surrounding areas are still disadvantaged, depressed and underserved (DDUs). Even within city enclaves, you can see poor sections within the vicinity of progressive districts or even within a barangay. Example of which is in Makati and Muntinlupa, among others. Development has not trickled down to the greater majority.

I personally see this situation everyday whenever I turn my chair around and look out through the glass curtain wall of my office on the 28th floor of RCBC Plaza. I look down and I can see the Makati Medical Center, the famed Ayala Avenue, the old, yet, still beautiful, and the upcoming commercial buildings and condos being marketed as very modern- or should I say, post-modern in design with world-class amenities. But as I move my gaze to a small area right in front of Makati Medical Center- two blocks away from Ayala Avenue… is a group of shanties sticking out like a “severely sore thumb” of a confused society. I say “confused” because I question our role in the continued existence of such maladies.

It is still mind-boggling to see such a scenario in a very progressive city. This small spot that I see from my window is just approximately 5,000+/- square meters in size with maybe 150+/- families. If the leaders (government and civil society) cannot address such a problem, how else can we solve bigger and more complex issues at hand? The Pearl Principle idealogy teaches that CHANGE MUST BEGIN FROM WITHIN… AND WITHIN OUR SPHERES OF INFLUENCE.

We should ask ourselves… have we done enough? Who did we do it for? Who else should benefit from the perceived development that is happening? What can we do now? We must do right thing.

The Pearl Principle proposes the use of the Prescriptive Approach as against Generic Approach to Development Planning. The Prescriptive Approach, as it is used in the practice of medicine, would normally comprise of a team of doctors (experts) of different specializations needed to cure the patient. The patient and his family, in modern medicine, are also active participants in determining the course of action of treatments to be done. This is imperative because non-cooperation of the patient and his family cannot do it by themselves. There is a vital need for the objective expertise of the diagnostic team. The same principles are also recommended as part of the Prescriptive Approach to Development that we have been proposing for quite some time now.

We have been using the Prescriptive Approach in Mentoring start-up businesses since 1998, in the business school which I founded, the CIE Global Colleges. This came about because CIE has been using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Pedagogy for quite some time now. PBL is also inspired by the way medical doctors are trained. As part of our outreach projects, we are using the PBL-Prescriptive Approach in coming up with a holistic development plan for Tabuelan, a small municipality in the northern part of Cebu.

In the Tabuelan Project, we sat down with community representatives to discuss and propose the people’s vision of Tabuelan. Based on what was discussed, we created a diagnostic team, composed of experts in different fields necessary to advise the Tabuelans as to their course of action to move them closer to their vision.

Now that the Pearl Principle National Movement has been established, we are have started to organize our qualified cell groups to form the initial Enterprise Development Centers (EDCs) all over the country. This, I believe, is one of the foremost reasons why so many are responding positively to the Pearl Principle National Movement. The role of EDCs is to provide the provinces with a diagnostic team for Prescriptive Intervention. The EDCs will be led by young- successful entrepreneurs and other experts- depending on the need of the area- who are willing to lend a helping hand to address the unique needs of the underserved Filipinos and bring about prosperity in the communities.

Here are the activities that the EDCs will engage in:

  • Encourage Entrepreneurship across the country
  • Advocacy and propaganda
  • Enterprise Development Training
  • Enlistment in SME Programs
  • SME Business Development
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Regular Enterprise
  • Management Support
  • Bring Investment to rural communities
  • Advocacy and propaganda
  • Venture Capital Roadshows
  • Trade Fairs in cooperation with other agencies and NGOs
  • Non-traditional Business Development and Incubation Center
We have an acronym for this strategy- T.E.A.C.H.:

Train to the tenets of the Pearl Principle for Peace and progress
Engage people for collective action
Assess collective strengths and weaknesses
Create opportunities from current problems
Hand-holding and advising

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.

The Pearl Principle

The Pearl Principle Movement advocates the transformation of individual Filipinos, and of the entire Filipino nation, through the application of the principles behind the birth of a pearl.

A pearl is created when an irritant invades an oyster. Instead of silently suffering the pain caused by this irritant, and instead of depending on its neighbors to remove the invader, the oyster responds by secreting nacre. The clam coats the irritant with nacre, and in due time, this creates the pearl.

Pearl Principle
We believe that the values that we see in the formation of a pearl can be applied to our personal lives and communities. The oyster does not suffer in silence; it takes action to neutralize the irritant. The oyster does not depend on external factors to address the irritant; it relies on what it can produce. The oyster works within the area it can act on which is inside itself.

We believe that, as in the creation of the pearl:

  • We should overcome problems, instead of simply enduring them;
  • We should use our inherent resources and talents to face our challenges;
  • We should work within our sphere of influence;
Furthermore, we believe that transforming ourselves, and our nation will be a continuous and never-ending process of growth, which we can pursue by taking on challenges of increasing complexity.

Through the application of the Pearl Principle, we will see within the next five (5) years:

  • Filipinos who are Social Entrepreneurs, who are disciplined, passionate, and ethical agents of change who turn challenges into opportunities;
  • A network of Filipino individuals and groups, moved by love of country, that are able to overcome personal, family, community, and national challenges by using their inherent gifts and resources on areas that are within their capacity to control;
  • A Filipino nation that is able to meet increasingly difficult challenges through collective action and utilization of inherent resources.

Strategic Approaches
We will be able to realize these Practical Visions by:

  • Engaging individuals and organizations to apply the Pearl Principle to their respective areas of influence; and
  • Supporting, innovating, and augmenting the Philippine educational system.

The Pearl Principle. Copyright Centre for International Education. All rights reserved.