This is Chapter 4 of "The Pearl Principle" book.
They all came to satisfy a hunger. On September 28 and 29, 2004, a large group of Filipinos from all walks of life, found themselves huddled at the Hotel Intercontinental, Makati City -- looking for a new meaning and searching for the vision to guide their resolve to better themselves –ourselves -- for the country.
They responded to a simple invitation, a general newspaper announcement for a Conference on “The Pearl Principle: Tools and Strategies for National Recovery.” There were no promises of names of renowned speakers nor of financial incentives. Yet, they came, all 518 of them. Exceeding the seating capacity of the venue and surpassing the maximum expectations of the organizers. For over eight hours, they stayed glued to their seats. The speakers exhorted the audience to conjure images of a great future. But what this future exactly is, must be visualized individually, by everyone. The future can not be created, unless first, formed in the mind.
The audience was asked point blank, “What is your dream for your country?”
They unleashed a torrent of emotions as they unfolded their long-kept hopes and dreams. Otherwise shy to open up for lack of opportunity to be heard, to be recognized and to be involved, they seized the moment as they passionately revealed themselves to each other. Collectively, they painted a beautiful picture of the Philippines!
The speakers taunted them further, “What is your dream role to make your vision for our country come true?”
A rush of adrenalin filled the room. Everyone engaged in very animated discussion, spurred by the thought that they indeed have a role to play in making this dream for their beloved country come true.
Individually, they searched for their meaningful part in the orchestration of these dreams. Together, they found the way to become, and they crafted…
The People’s VisionThe Philippines: A S.T.R.I.N.G of P.E.A.R.L.S.
The Philippines is a Soaring and Tenacious Republic Instituted by Nation-loving Generations of Passionate, Ethical, Action-driven, Results-oriented Leaders of Society
The People’s Mission
We T.E.A.C.H.
We Train, Engage, Assess, Create opportunities, and Harness individuals, communities and organizations to apply The Ten Tenets of the Pearl Principle within their spheres of influence.
The People’s Strategies
We D.R.E.A.M.
Discover who you really are. Use your inherent God-given gifts for a higher purpose.
Reinvent yourself. Create a personal vision aligned to the service of your fellowmen.
Energize yourself. Be a life-long learner by re-tooling and associating with positive-minded people.
Act on your 4 Ps. Pray for discernment Plan your course of action Persist on achieving your plan
Pursue your dream with passion
Manage yourself. Be driven by SUCCESS:
Sense of
How We Measure Success
We measure success by the number of people whose lives have improved because of our existence.
Personal success is only a means to an end, making the world a better place.
The Goal of Life:
Be A C.I.E.A.N.
Communion with God
Integrity in thought, word and deed
Empathy with commitment
Accountability for actions
Nobility in aspirations
Our worldview is rooted in the transformation of adversity into a gem of a life…as in the creation of a pearl. We believe that…
1. Adversity is the catalyst of growth and progress.
2. Transformation is the proactive engagement of one’s sphere of influence.
3. Every person has inherent gifts that can be used to overcome challenges.
4. People can reinvent themselves at will.
5. Introspection is the key to unlocking the right core values that guide our discernment for
6. Self-sufficiency is a philosophy that we can nurture to eradicate mendicant behavior.
7. Personal success is only a means to an end: making the world a better place.
8. Success is measured by the number of people whose lives have improved because of our
9. Wealth accumulation is only justified when it is re-channeled to uplift the quality of
life of communities through purposeful intervention.
10. Change begins from within...change begins with me.
Myriads of questions. A plethora of possibilities. An array of answers. An army of potential leaders emerged.
And when it was all over, they hovered around the venue, oblivious of time, reluctant to leave. They asked the question, “What’s next?”
From each discussion group, a leader was chosen. Forty two leaders were called upon and commissioned to further their new found cause. In that commissioning, each of them received, in the palm of their hands, the symbol of hope and transformation. The pearl.
We need a Symbol of Hope and a Model for Transformation. It cannot just be anybody. Anyone can come and go. Many of them have let us down.
Almost everyone has a hidden agenda. Most have turfs to protect. There are those weak in character.
And they betrayed our trust!
The perfect Symbol of Hope of our nation is the “pearl.”
The inner struggle of the oyster to survive has a profound meaning. The story can move anyone who has gone through a similar struggle, enough to hit you in the heart. It is faceless but it has life. It is the only living organism which can transform an “irritation” into a priced gemstone.
It is very easy for anyone to identify with the story of the pearl. It is easy to recall. It has no race, no creed, no political bias, no gender. Yet, it has a universal appeal. When your life is in disarray, think of the pearl – our National Symbol of Hope.
The flicker of hope will begin to warm your heart, warm enough to revive your strength, to force you to stand with courage, to transcend your fears and hopelessness, fired by your new found enthusiasm and optimism. Only then, will you be able to see beyond the pain. No longer a victim.
But a victor, free to soar.
Next is Chapter 5 "Where Do We Go from Here?"
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